Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Thing #7a

Technology...........the very word can scare you, make you think, worry you, or any number of emotions. At least it does if you are over a certain age. Many of us enjoy learning new things and just are in awe of what can be done, but learning something new is not always easy. The point of this blog is that I was reading my post on google reader (many of which are about technology) and I found two that really interested me. The first one was describing Twitter and how it is and has changed the world. He brought up the current events in Iran and how the entire world is following them through individuals that are twittering and using other technology to spread the news and events. It makes me think how the world has really become much smaller in recent years, there are really no secrets, I remember saying "that will never happen" when talking about the future when I was a child and now it has happened and is in fact, old news. The second post I found interesting was one about a technology person that has trouble with computers and machines acting up. I suppose it is kind of refreshing to realize that even the experts have trouble sometimes and it is not just me. Makes me want to take a deep breath and then get back to learning and experimenting and crashing and burning..........

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