Monday, June 15, 2009

Thing #2

I find all the Web 2.0 information very interesting. I can just think of all the changes that have been made in my lifetime and how technology has changed. In my world (band/music) there are many ways to use technology and there are some things that don’t and cannot change. I would love to see every student assigned their own laptop with all textbooks already downloaded on them and they just carry that to class, e-mail assignments, or as this is teaching, use blogs and wiki’s etc. I think the biggest problem is money. I know some of my students have computers at home and are very proficient, and some do not. Even in this day and age, many of my students do not have e-mail addresses! I know the initial investment would be expensive, but if every student had a computer, the entire world would be open to them. I can see many people being opposed to that (what will they do with them? what about losing it? what if they look at something they are not supposed to? and on and on), but i would love to see that happen. i have a grandchild who is a few years from school, but she lives in south LA and who knows what kinds of technology will be available to her in those schools that just are not well funded


  1. You're right...the expense would be enormous, but I can just imagine the educational benefits of wikis (to be explored later) when students can truly collaborate digitally.

  2. I also agree about the expense. However, other districts seem to be finding the way. As for looking at something they are not supposed to, it's going to happen, but if we have a plan in place we can minimize it. I know that a lot of people would use that as an arguement then couldn't we say that school is bad because students do the wrong thing. We as a ever changing society are going to have to realize that we are going to have to take the risk. We wouldn't have all the things we have today if someone hadn't taken a risk. We need to expand our technology in the classrooms as much and as quickly as we can.
