Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Thing #7

Okay, so I will just get this statement out of the way. I do not like commenting! I am working on it and hopefully I will get better. My personality is more that if I am in a group of people having a conversation, I mostly listen and rarely say anything. Obviously, this is going to help me get out of that box and that is a good thing. I do know that when I was reading the posts that I wanted to comment on, I certainly read more carefully. In fact, one of the feeds on my reader is a blog that I have followed for several years (did not have any idea about RSS as I mentioned in an earlier blog) but a few minutes ago as a result of this assignment, I commented for the first time. I answered a question that was posed by the writer. See, I have known answers or had comments, but I tend to have the "someone will have a better answer than me" syndrome. Therefore, thanks 23 things for pushing me a little!


  1. I wasn't that excited about commenting either, until I realized how much I enjoyed reading other comments. Now, I don't mind it - besides it's much easier to comment online than to speak in person:)

  2. I have been surprised to read how many people on here do not like commenting. You are not alone. As I looked over everyone's blogs, I noticed a lot of people saying they didn't feel comfortable commenting. I am just the opposite. I like the anonymity that this provides so I can just say what I feel (always being polite, of course). When different news sites such as, etc. started including the ability to comment on their news stories, I loved that and I like reading other peoples' comments, too.

  3. Wow, I have always loved posting comments, but I think that is because I always look forward to reading the comments Ieft on my Blog. Trust me, it gets easier and easier-almost addictive!
