Friday, June 26, 2009

Thing #15

Whew! This assignment was the longest so far and the most tedious to me. However, I did enjoy learning how to build the page and put things on it. It took me awhile to figure out what the instructions meant and how to make the table of contents. I did a lot of experimenting and finally got it done. Also, when I first started, I didn't save enough and lost some material, but I figured out how to fix that also. In fact, this entire assignment was me using Habit #3 from the 7 1/2 habits of lifelong learners! But I took my time, tried several things, figured out what worked and what didn't and finally got it done! I really like doing things like this and have always wanted the know the skills to build web pages, organize material, and present the information in an attractive way. In fact, our organization (MMB) has a website and I have to depend on professional web designers to run it because I have never had those skills. While I am just a beginner, I thought it turned out well for my first time.

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