Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Thing 7b

Interesting question raised in this poll.................Can a teacher be a good teacher without technology? Here we are in the middle (or towards the end) of a course that deals with technology tools that will help in the classroom, so what a great question. The responders in the poll mostly voted yes as the answer. In my opinion, yes is the correct answer. I think a teacher can be great and very effective without technology. See, in my opinion, a teacher is effective because of his or her relationship with the students. If they believe in you as a teacher, they will listen and learn no matter if you just have chalk and a green chalkboard or if you have computers on every desk all the latest "gadgets" installed. I think technology is a wonderful tool and can really make learning easier, but like any other tool, it depends on the person using it. For instance, I can go to the local hardware store and buy all the latest tools for carpentry or plumbing, but just me holding them or owning them will not make me a good carpenter or plumber. So my opinion is that while technology is a wonderful tool, it has to be put in the hands of a master craftsman (teacher) to be highly effective.

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